Got a suggested policy or legal resource? Let us know!
Evaluation of a Human Mission to Mars by 2033, IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute Report
Final Report of the AAS Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion in Graduate Astronomy Education
“Code of Conduct for the International Space Station Crew.” US Code 14 CFR 1214.403.
“A Guideline of Performing Ibadah at the International Space Station (ISS).” Malaysian Space Agency.
Cheston, T.S., ed. 1983. Space Social Science. NASA.
Connors, M.M., A.A. Harrison, and F.R. Akins. 1985. Living Aloft: Human Requirements for Extended Spaceflight. NASA
NASA. 1995. STD-3000 Man-Systems Integration Standards. NB: this was the standard document for the design criteria of US human spacecraft. Since replaced by:
NASA. 2011. STD-3001 NASA Space Flight Human-System Standard Volume 2: Human Factors, Habitability, and Environmental Health Measurement, and NASA. 2014. Human Integration Design Handbook (Rev. 1).
NASA. 1999. International Space Station Flight Crew Integration Standard (NASA–STD–3000/T). Rev. C. This document shows how NASA measured human bodies in order to set design standards for ISS and other international space projects.