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Environmental Justice in Space (EJiS) Workshop

To register, submit an abstract, and learn more:

As human activity in space increases, we bring with us the risk of damaging the space environment as we've damaged our environment here on Earth. We also face questions of environmental justice: how to equitably distribute both the benefits and the costs of our use of the space environment.

What can we learn from environmental justice movements here on Earth about how to develop a sustainable and just relationship with the natural environment beyond our atmosphere?

The Environmental Justice in Space Workshop will bring space experts together with environmental justice activists and researchers to discuss areas of concern in the space environment, lessons learned from the history of environmental justice movements on Earth, and ideas for ensuring an equitable and sustainable future for humanity in space.

The workshop, hosted by the JustSpace Alliance, will be entirely virtual, and will included pre-recorded submitted talks, live Q&A sessions with speakers, and live panels featuring space experts and terrestrial environmental experts.